Combat Excess Fat with Liposuction
… for an amazing perfect body
Overview of the Removal of Fat Accumulations
Indications for Surgery | Body shaping with circumscribed fat accumulation |
Treatment Period | 30 – 90 minutes |
Anaesthetic | Usually tumescence, i.e. a special form of local anaesthesia. General anaesthesia on request |
Patient Stay | 0 – 1 day |
Inactive Period | A few days. Physical activity: 8 – 10 days |
Costs | 3500 – 5000 € possibly plus VAT |
Post-Treatment | compression corset. Follow-up after 2 days, 2 weeks, 2 months. |
Sport | After 4 weeks, rest of body: After 1 week |
Where is Superfluous Body Fat Produced?
There are places on the body where fat accumulates, fat cushions form which cannot be removed with any diet in the world or with any sports program.
In women it is the so-called riding breeches, i.e. the region on the upper thigh on the outside and the waist, in men it is also the waist. This can also occur on the stomach and on the inner upper thighs.
Liposuction is the only way to combat such excess fat using fat removal.
Causes of Unpleasant Hip Fat and Other Fat Deposits
Why do people store fat?
In the early days of mankind it was by no means certain that there was always something to eat. So after a sumptuous meal, after a mammoth or sabre-toothed tiger was shot and eaten, the excess calories were converted into fat and stored. In bad times – when the hunters had no luck – this fat was stored away and made available.
This used to be a useful program to ensure survival, today it no longer makes sense in our highly developed and rich society.
Aim of Treatment by Liposuction
The goal of liposuction is a well-formed body and the emphasis on the female or male body shape: beauty.
Liposuction Against Stubborn Fat Deposits
Fat cells grow and drive up different body regions: The thighs at the top outside and inside, the waist, the abdomen etc.. The body becomes misshapen.
By exercising and changing your diet, you can solve part of the problem. The other part, the stubborn rest, can be eliminated by liposuction.
It is interesting to know that liposuction is a definitive treatment in the sense that the fat cells removed by liposuction are removed forever and do not grow back. Although a few cells remain on site, they can store fat again, but altogether much less than before liposuction.
Liposuction is not a carte blanche for uninhibited eating! Of course, the physiological mechanisms after liposuction remain the same as before liposuction: Excess calories are stored, then they look for another place, this only happens when too much is eaten.
After liposuction, the fat pads are removed and the skin is too large in the treated area, for example on the stomach, but also in other areas. It covers less internal volume. As a rule, the skin adapts to the new situation: It shrinks, for this it needs several weeks of time and the help of a corset.
If, however, the volume of the suctioned skin is very large and / or the skin is overstretched, an additional tightening is necessary.
The Course of Treatment
In the tumescence procedure, a solution is pumped into the fat layer, It consists of three drugs:
The anaesthetic (lidocaine and prilocaine): This makes the suction painless.
Adrenaline (Suprarenin): It contracts the blood vessels and reduces postoperative bruising.
Sodium bicarbonate (sodium hydrogen carbonate, NaHCO3): It optimizes the pH value. Then wait 30 – 60 minutes for the solution to spread well.
Needles with a diameter of 3 – 4 mm are inserted over small punctures and fan-shaped. When the suction is finished, the treated area is wrapped with a thick bandage so that the remaining liquid, which is emptied via the puncture points, is collected. If large areas have been treated, the patient stays in our clinic for one night for check-up, with smaller areas he goes home and comes back the next day.
The pain after such a treatment is minimal, because part of the tumescence remains in the treated areas at first, so that they are further anesthetized.
The remaining scars consist only of the puncture sites and are hardly visible after healing.
The final result takes about three months, when the internal healing is complete, the swelling is reduced. The removed fat can be processed and reused for other purposes, for example for a breast enlargement.
Follow-up Treatment
On the day after the operation, the patient takes a shower, the injection sites are freshly glued and the corset is put on. It is usually worn around the clock for two weeks (except for bathing) and for another four weeks either during the day or at night. The clothes should be comfortable and not constrictive. Daily routines such as: Dressing, undressing, eating, drinking, washing, running, walking are possible immediately and without restrictions.
A sports break is necessary for the treated areas for four weeks, for the rest of the untreated body for one week. Medications are hardly needed: an antibiotic for prophylaxis and a little painkiller: The pain is low and lasts only a few days.
Massage / lymphatic drainage disturb the healing, because healing needs rest! The remaining scars are minimal: they consist of the puncture points of the cannulas.
Asymmetries, irregularities, dents and remaining fat are possible, but rare. If they occur, we naturally correct this condition at our Clinic located in Germany.
When is Surgery not Advisable?
Considerable overweight with a BMI (body mass index) of >30 is not an indication for liposuction because there is too much fat, i.e. the problem exists everywhere and not locally. Liposuction will not help, but weight reduction will. There are different procedures for weight reduction. We are happy to advise you which method is the right one for you.
If there is a skin infection in the area to be treated, it must first be treated.
If the excess of fat is very large, an excess of skin will result after a suction. Then a primary or additional tightening must be considered. Then, for example, an abdominoplasty or a thigh lift can be useful.
Depending on the findings, combinations are also useful: liposuction and abdominoplasty, liposuction and breast augmentation, liposuction and thigh lift.
What Other Procedures are there?
Cryolipolysis: As a rule, it does not work. Why? The fat cells destroyed by cold cannot be transported away, because the lymphatic system that has to manage this is overtaxed.
The fat injection: It only works for very small areas, it is unsuitable for surfaces.
Reimbursement by the Health Insurance Company
As a rule they are to be borne by themselves, We offer financing.
Further Information
The following doctors have dealt extensively with this topic: G.